Terms of Service

Updated on February 15th, 2022

Updated on February 15th, 2022

MazeMap and related services (hereby referred to as the Services) are provided by MazeMap AS with offices at Ferjemannsveien 10, 7042 Trondheim, Norway.

By using our Services, you are agreeing to these Terms of Service.

Our Terms of Service are specified for the End Users and for the Customer. The End Users are defined as the users of the Services and those who are using the Services for its intended purpose. Other use of the Service is prohibited unless a written agreement with MazeMap has been made. The Customer is defined as the renter, owner or operator of a building, and can also be referred to as the Building Operator.

Terms of service for "end users"

All MazeMap indoor maps are generated from floor plans provided to us by the relevant Building Operator. We cooperate closely with every Building Operator to provide the best Services possible to them and all End Users of the building. We encourage End Users to enhance the Services by reporting missing or misleading content through the report system in the maps. Changes are, however, subject to acceptance by the Building Operator before made public.

Right to use our services

We grant End Users a personal, non-transferable right to access and use our Services for their intended use. Using maps or data from our Services to produce their own service is not allowed unless a written agreement with MazeMap has been made.


Using the Services does not grant ownership of any maps, data, screenshots or any other intellectual property. All extraction and use of maps or data from our Services is prohibited unless a written agreement with MazeMap has been made. All reverse engineering of our Services to gain access to maps, source code or any other parts of the Services is prohibited.

Privacy policy

MazeMap does not collect any information that can be used to identify the End User.

With the Building Operators acceptance, we utilize the wireless infrastructure at campus, as well as GPS and sensors to find the End Users location. MazeMap does not store the End Users position in a manner that can be used to trace the End Users position.

We collect information about how the End User uses our Services, and we do share this information with the Building Operator. All information is collected anonymously, and none of the information we record can be used to identify the End User.

On the client device, we use some cookies and local storage access for analytics and optimization purposes, as well as storing the End Users user preferences for their convenience.

Logo and Trademarks

The MazeMap logo and trademark are the property of MazeMap AS. All use of MazeMaps logo and trademark requires a written consent from MazeMap.

Warranties and disclaimers

All of our Services are provided «as is». We do not make any guarantees about usefulness, availability, or their ability to meet the End Users needs. However, MazeMap are committed to help the End User find their way around indoors, and we encourage the End User to give us feedback.

About these terms

We may have to modify the Terms of Service from time to time as our Services evolve. Any disputes shall be settled by negotiations. If no settlement is reached during negotiations the dispute shall be brought to the courts of Sør-Trøndelag, Norway for settlement.

Terms of service for "the customer"

The Customer owns the data they provide to MazeMap including the map data.

MazeMap is free to provide adverts to mazemap.com if MazeMap desires to do so. MazeMap agrees that any advertisements displayed through its Services will not include any content that a reasonable person would find inappropriate, such as pornographic, violent or otherwise inflammatory content. If MazeMap decides to introduce adverts, MazeMap is committed to produce a service available through an API that is free for adverts. This Service shall work equally as well as mazemap.com, with the exception of it being advert free.

Contract duration

The contract will be renewed for 12 months unless it is cancelled by either part within 3 months of contract duration. For pilots, the contract will be renewed for 12 months unless it is cancelled by either part within 3 months after project start.

MazeMap may change Terms of Service and Usage from time to time as the Services evolve without prior notice.

Accessibility Statement

MazeMap is committed to providing an accessible platform anduser experience to ensure all users, including those with disabilities, caneffectively utilize our services. We continuously strive to enhance theaccessibility of our technology, meeting and exceeding the requirements of theWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at the AA level. 

Being WCAG2.1 AA certified means that we satisfy international WebContent Accessibility Guidelines, and provide alternative routes avoidingobstacles, audio navigation as well as high contrast modes. MazeMap putsinclusiveness first with our indoor wayfinding. 

Accessibility Features

Keyboard Navigation: All interactive elements on our website and maps are fully navigable using a keyboard.

Screen Reader Compatibility: Our content is designed to be fully accessible to screen readers, ensuring that all users, regardless of visual impairment, can access our information and services.

Contrast and Text Resizing: We maintain high contrast ratios and allow text resizing to ensure readability for users with visual impairments. Our primary and secondary colors have been selected to meet these standards, ensuring all text is clear and legible.

Accessible Forms and Controls: All forms and interactive controls on our site are labeled correctly to ensure that users with assistive technologies can interact with them without barriers.

Ongoing Efforts

Accessibility is an ongoing effort, and we are dedicated to continuously improving our platform's accessibility. We conduct regular audits and updates to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA standards and strive to integrate best practices in all aspects of our design and development processes.