Only three months ago, we introduced you to the newest MazeMappers. Since then, our family has grown even more! So, without further ado, let us introduce you to the newest of the new...


Benjamin Malchus
Customer Success Manager - Trondheim office
Benjamin comes from Germany where he studied Information Science, with a main focus in online marketing. He spent the last semester of his master’s abroad in Australia and met his Norwegian girlfriend during this period. She is the reason why he decided to move to Norway in 2018. Before that, Benjamin worked for an international marketing agency in Germany. In his spare time, he enjoys playing and watching sports such as football and American football. In addition, he loves food and experiencing new cultures and countries (he backpacked through India and South East Asia in 2019).


Laura Hodge
Sales & Marketing Officer - Trondheim office
Laura is originally from the UK, where she studied BA (Hons) Theatre Design at Nottingham Trent University. In 2013, Laura began honing her creative skills in a different way - through digital marketing and graphic design. She moved to Norway in May 2019, after a year-and-a-half spent in the mountains of Canada. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her dog, arts & crafts and snowboarding.


Ola Tremoen
Head Customer Success Technician - Trondheim office
Ola hails from Skogen (meaning forest), the rural area located outside of Elverum. He studied Russian and European History at UiO and NTNU, writing a master's thesis about the development of the kindergarten institution in Norway after the second world war. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, fishing and campfires. He is also a bit of a computer nerd, and has around 4K hours in Dota 2 (he still think he sucks!) Ola once sailed to the Shetland Islands and back. He also placed third to last in the Norwegian Championship in Yngling (a type of sailboat)!

Jon Olav

Jon Olav Hauglid
Software Engineer - Trondheim office
Jon Olav has a Masters degree and a PhD in Computer Engineering (with a focus on databases) from NTNU. He has previously worked as a researcher and an adjunct associate professor at NTNU. He also spent nearly 10 years at Sun/Oracle and just over 1 year at Telenor Digital. In his spare time, he collects and plays board games and enjoys hiking. He is a self-proclaimed hammock enthusiast and a Liverpool fan!


Leanne Cooper
Customer Success Technician - Trondheim office
Leanne was born in northern England before moving to London to complete her bachelors in Psychology. She’s worked in various roles throughout the customer service industry over the past five years, before moving to Norway. Leanne frequently takes part in challenges to raise money for charity. In her spare time she enjoys running, horse riding and a good Stephen King novel.


Alexander Shelest
Customer Success Technician - Odessa office
Alexander has a Master's degree in Political Science and Psychology and is currently preparing for his adjunct exams. He has travelled to many European countries and hopes to visit more very soon. In his free time, Alexander enjoys browsing the web and playing computer games.


Marion Ekroll Bårdli
Customer Success Technician - Trondheim office
Marion is from Moss, near Oslo, and started her Informatics Bachelor in Trondheim prior to joining MazeMap. She has previously worked as a swimming instructor and has competed in both swimming and lifesaving. When she’s not working at MazeMap, she enjoys playing computer games and knitting.

Every MazeMapper, both old and new, contributes to our success. We’re excited to be working with such a skilled and passionate team to continue bringing you innovative products and services, as well as great customer service!

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